
HALO Planning Method E-Book

HALO Planning Method E-Book

HK$ 30.00 HKD
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*Pre-orders open on 1 September 2024.
FREE E-book "The HALO Method" included with HALO Planner purchase.
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Planning Process

The HALO Method

The HALO Planner is structured as a daily, weekly, monthly and quarterly planner. At the beginning of each quarter, you set big goals which you can then break down into actionable pieces for monthly, weekly and daily goals. Built in reflection at each phase helps you focus on consistency not perfection.

This iterative process allows you the opportunity to pivot as strategies and tactics you employ to get stuff done succeed or fail, giving you real time feedback on your development.


Daily Planner


Weekly Planner


Monthly Planner


Daily PlannerWeekly PlannerMonthly PlannerQuarterly Planner

Plan Sustainably

Plan the life you want

The HALO Planner allows you to set goals in all areas of your life including self-care and all types of relationships.

briefcase icon


Prioritize the important over the urgent.

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Design daily, weekly and monthly habits which support living sustainably.

people icon


Making sure you are investing in your social connections regularly.

Plan Broadly

A planner for planners

The HALO Planner is full of achievement tracking, journal prompts and blank space to allow you ensure you are spending time where it matters most.

Impossible GoalsMonthly PlannerBrain dumpWeekly PlannerDaily Planner

My purpose

Make space for inspiration and reflect on your "why".

Quarterly motivation

Define success and prepare for potential obstacles.

Monthly plan

Breakdown monthly goals by week into concrete tasks.


Get your ever-running “to do” list out of your head and onto the page.

Weekly layout

Your week at a glance without the mess of electronic jumble.

Daily pages

Align your day to the life you want.

Feature Two

Plan with flexibility

Get the most out of the HALO Planner by watching video tutorials about the most critical sections or download The HALO Planner’s e-book “How to Plan: The Halo Planning Method”.

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Halo Planner pages preview

Getting to Impossible

Summer Planner

Halo Planner

Holiday Planner

2025 Q! Halo planner photo

The HALO Method E-Book

Maximise your HALO Planner with The HALO Method E-book.

Get access to the planner’s companion E-book, your guide to getting the most out of your planner. Free with every planner purchase or available as a download.

Product FAQs

Frequently asked questions

Find answers to common questions about the planner to help you make an informed decision.

Still have questions?

Contact us for further assistance.

What if I don’t know what to write for My Purpose?

This page was created to give you inspiration the moment you open the HALO Planner. If you already have a defined Mission Statement, you can put it here. You can also write inspiring quotations. You could even paste a picture of your family. The idea is that you if you need to remember why you are working so hard you can turn to this page.

Why Impossible Goals? Can we have some regular goals too?

In my experience, Impossible Goals are as easy to achieve as Regular Goals because they are motivating and exciting. However, what Impossible means depends very much on your stage of life. For example, one of my busy working mom friends set an Impossible Goal to read to her children every day. For those of us that have been there, this is as an Impossible Goal as any. Ask yourself what is possible in each area of your life. Dream Big.

What is the difference between a “Top 3 and a Daily Habit”?

The Top 3 on the Daily Page will usually link back to weekly, monthly and quarterly goals. For example, if you set a goal to write a book this year, you might have a Top 3 to write 500 words each day for a month. A Daily Habit usually tracks something you are already doing but want to increase accountability. So for example, drinking 8 glasses of water and you can check it off each day when you are done. You can have a Top 3 that is a habit that you are trying to cultivate. For example, if I sent a goal to run every day of the 30 Days in April, I would put that in my Top 3, because getting it done today leads to my bigger goals.

How do I use the Weekly Layout vs. the Daily Schedule?

The Weekly Layout is a planning tool. As you plan your week ahead with all of the formal commitments of your time for the coming week, this layout shows you clearly where you have blank space. It is in this blank space that you can plan the other things besides outside commitments of your time. It’s usually these other things that get us to our Impossible Goals. It is meant to be a forward-looking "week at a glance" rather than a moment by moment updated calendar. So, if you a meeting on Thursday afternoon cancels, you don’t have to go back to the Weekly Layout it cross it out. I use the Schedule on the Daily Pages for time-blocking. Each evening I plan exactly how I am going to use the 24 hours in my day including non-meeting items such as writing, research, reading, exercise or reviewing things. It is in this Daily Pages Schedule, I fill in the blank space with tasks.

How do I use the small boxes for the Monthly Review?

After you have used the big boxes for Monthly Goal accountability, you can highlight other things you achieved or are grateful for. I use one box for the "Books Read" and one box for "Friends Met". As I look back on the month, it helps me to feel grateful for how much I accomplished and how many wonderful things I did in addition to progress towards my goals.

What are the grey boxes for on the Braindump Page?

The big grey boxes are for categories. These will be different for each person and sometimes change month to month. One category might be “Work”. Another category might be “Finance”. However, if you have a big project at work that is due next month, it might get its own category “Strategy Presentation”. Then all the tasks in that category can be grouped together to increase efficiency.

Will you make an electronic version?

No. We are sticking with paper. The beginning of my career largely coincides with the advent of mobile devices. I used to sleep with my blackberry. However, our electronic devices have morphed into distraction machines. While I am working, mine goes in a drawer.


"After 5 years of relying on various planners, I decided to give The HALO Planner a try, and I must say, its design and layout have exceeded my expectations. The weekly preview, daily habits view, and graphed lines are particularly helpful features. I'm happy I decided to switch to The HALO Planner."


Marketing Leader

"The HALO Planner prompts the right kind of thinking, propelling me towards success, growth, connection, and the achievement of seemingly impossible goals. It has quickly blended into my life as a catalyst for fun and transformative thought processes, nudging me to consider aspects such as setting different kinds of goals, seeking help, embracing possibilities, and fostering meaningful connections."


Vice President,

Financial Services

"I love the structured and thoughtful design of The HALO Planner. It helps me consider and plan every little facet of my life that is necessary for living my highest and most ideal life. It has now become a part of my daily routine!"


Wellness Expert

"Setting up my Q2 planner and realized I have accomplished all my Q1 goals and made huge progress on my annual goals. I attribute my success to having such an awesome planner!!"


MBA Student

"The Halo Planner has become central to how I approach defining my personal and professional goals, prioritise projects and manage my time. It’s thoughtfully designed to encourage reflection and planning in areas that I would otherwise not prioritise."



"This planner is filled with really fun and functional layouts...If you are somebody who just wants one book in which to put everything...I think this would be an ideal planner for you."

Sarah Hart-Unger

Host of "Best Laid Plans" Podcast